Case Study - Data File Transfer Across AWS Accounts

This document provides a comparative analysis of two solutions for transferring data files across AWS accounts every 10 minutes.

Loya Altangerel
Cloud Architect, Systems Integration, Software Engineering


This document provides a comparative analysis of two solutions for transferring data files across AWS accounts every 10 minutes. The first solution involves S3 bucket replication for continuous data synchronization. The second solution leverages an AWS Lambda function with API Gateway to upload files into an S3 bucket using a generated URL. We will assess their suitability for the specific case of transferring data files at a 10-minute interval.

Solution 1: S3 Bucket Replication


S3 bucket replication allows automatic, asynchronous copying of objects across S3 buckets in different AWS accounts. It's designed for replicating data in real-time as objects are added to the source bucket.


  • Source S3 Bucket
  • Destination S3 Bucket
  • IAM Roles with Replication Permissions


  • Automatic Replication: Once configured, new objects are automatically replicated without manual intervention.
  • Scalability: Easily handles large volumes of data and spikes in activity.
  • Reliability: Built-in to AWS S3, offering high reliability and data integrity.
  • Security: Utilizes IAM roles and policies for secure cross-account access.


  • Cost: Continuous replication may incur higher costs due to transfer and storage fees, especially if data changes are frequent.
  • Complexity in Initial Setup: Requires careful configuration of IAM roles and bucket policies across accounts.
  • Latency: While replication is generally fast, it's not instantaneous. There may be short delays, which could be critical depending on the use case.

Solution 2: Lambda with API Gateway


This solution involves creating a serverless API that triggers a Lambda function to generate a presigned URL for uploading files directly to an S3 bucket. The client then uses this URL to upload the file.


  • AWS Lambda
  • Amazon API Gateway
  • Destination S3 Bucket
  • IAM Role for Lambda Execution


  • Control Over Timing: Can be precisely scheduled to run every 10 minutes using Amazon CloudWatch Events.
  • Direct Uploads: Clients can upload files directly to S3, reducing the load on the server.
  • Security: Presigned URLs are temporary and secure, providing fine-grained control over upload permissions.
  • Cost-Effective for Small to Medium Workloads: Charges are based on the number of requests and the execution time of the Lambda function, which can be cost-effective for less frequent uploads.


  • Complexity for Clients: Requires clients to handle the upload process using the presigned URL.
  • Maintenance Overhead: The solution requires maintaining API Gateway, Lambda functions, and IAM roles.
  • Scalability Concerns: For very large files or extremely high volumes, managing and scaling Lambda functions may introduce complexity.

Comparison for Transferring Data Files Every 10 Minutes

Suitability for Timed Transfers

  • S3 Replication is not inherently time-based and replicates files as they are added, making it less suitable for strict 10-minute intervals.
  • Lambda with API Gateway can be precisely scheduled using CloudWatch Events, making it ideal for transfers that must occur exactly every 10 minutes.

Cost Implications

  • S3 Replication may incur higher costs for continuous data transfer, especially if there are frequent changes to data within the 10-minute windows.
  • Lambda with API Gateway costs will depend on the number of executions and the data transfer size. For predictable, scheduled transfers, this can be more cost-effective.

Complexity and Maintenance

  • S3 Replication requires initial setup complexity but minimal ongoing maintenance.
  • Lambda with API Gateway involves more components (API Gateway, Lambda, CloudWatch) and thus higher maintenance, but offers more flexibility and control.


  • S3 Replication effortlessly scales with AWS's infrastructure, handling large data volumes without additional configuration.
  • Lambda with API Gateway can scale but may require tuning and monitoring to handle large files or high volume efficiently.


  • Both solutions offer robust security features. S3 Replication uses IAM roles and policies for cross-account access, while Lambda with API Gateway utilizes presigned URLs for secure, temporary access to the S3 bucket.


For the specific case of transferring data files across AWS accounts every 10 minutes, Lambda with API Gateway presents a more suitable solution due to its ability to precisely control the timing of file transfers. It offers a cost-effective, secure, and flexible approach for scheduled data file transfers, despite the higher initial setup and maintenance effort.

Conversely, S3 Bucket Replication is best suited for scenarios requiring continuous, real-time data replication without the need for timing control. It offers simplicity and reliability for ongoing data synchronization tasks.

Choosing between these solutions depends on the specific requirements for timing, cost, scalability, and maintenance preferences.

  • Data Transfer / Replication
  • Across AWS Accounts
  • Simple Storage Servivce (S3)
  • Pre-signed URL

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