The Future of Digital Nomad
by Loya Altangerel, Founder / Tech Lead
1. Digital Nomad
The digital nomad lifestyle is becoming more widespread and is predicted to be the future of work. It provides workers with flexibility on where they work, how much they work, and how much they get paid. The shift has been attributed to a significant evolution in our work culture, which embraces remote work opportunities, and an increasing desire for flexibility, work-life balance, and travel.
According to a recent Qualtrics report, 80% of employees looking for a new job said it was important that their next job offer them the opportunity to live anywhere. Employers are listening. Now that employees want to continue working remotely, many companies like Lift, Airbnb and 3M are switching to permanent flexible work models.
The post-pandemic future of knowledge work presents two very different options. The last decade saw a significant increase in the number of digital nomads – knowledge workers who pack up their lives and go travelling indefinitely, funded by location-independent work.